Hi all! My name is Abby. I am 23 years old. I graduated from the University of the Pacific with a BS Biochemistry. I currently work at Novartis Diagnostics. I've recently started to deal with my disease brought on my bone marrow failure. I have dyskeratosis congenita but the major symptoms I am dealing with is aplastic anemia, where I cannot produce sufficient amounts of blood cells (red, white, platelets).
Yes, it is ironic that I work at a company that manufacture kits that tests donor blood to make sure it's safe from blood-borne diseases.
I loves are reading, writing, and swimming. I enjoy being active when my energy level allows it. I was on the swim team, tennis team, debate team, mock trial and took gymnastic lessons in high school. In college, I was on the speech and debate team, Club Tennis, and The Pacifican, the university newspaper. I feel I have achieved a lot in my 23 years and more to come.
I will include more details of me on the blog and how I'm surviving with the low energy that comes with my disease.